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As you might have noticed, some of the native ares have turned bleach white. The white color is a response to a product we applied to control bermuda in the fescue. Bermuda, the grass most of you play on in Florida, was planted back in the 1970s at Llanerch. The hope was that the bermuda would help in areas where cool season grasses would die in the summer. It never really established itself due to the cold winters. With the execption of a few winters over the last 10 years, we have had much milder winters and hotter summers. This has lead to bermuda encroachment into the fescue dominated native areas.  The bermuda then chokes out pretty much any other grass in its way. This product is a chance for me to try to "contain" it spread. I will have more updates and information over the next few weeks.

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Restoration Update

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