This cloudy landscape has dominated the last two weeks. The forecast is calling for the sun to return for a brief appearance on Thursday. We are taking this time to continue fine tuning the property for daily play, install new horticulture around the renovated Golf Shop and open the pool area.
For the last 3 days, we have been spreading sand on the fairways. This helps the fairways drain better, smooths out the surface and give the ball more roll. We will finish today once the 5th fairway is completed.
Today, we spent some time deep tining tight soils in some fairways. The deep tine is 8 inches long and a half inch in diameter. It goes much deeper than a traditional aerifyer.The tine increases water movement and increases needed gaseous exchange in the soil.
After a snowy March and rainy ending to April, we are finally seeing the course wake up! We are concentrating on sodding a few small areas where we did some tree work in the early spring and preparing the course for everyday play. The 9th green is healthy but we will be keeping a close eye on this summer as it faces it's first summer.