Well, after weeks of no rain and heat indexes ranging from 105-119 degrees, we finally got rain. Llanerch received close to one inch last night. It sounds like that would be enough but it is not. We could use a couple more days of rain to get through the very dry soil. The rough has turned brown in spots because of the lack of rain and high heat. The irrigation system has helped us so far but is no replacement for good old rain from the sky. I expect some of the grass to "spring" back from the combination of rain and the somewhat lower temperature. Of course this will last only a day or so. The forecast is calling for a heat index of 106 degrees on Friday and mid-90s over the weekend. I will continue to play "defense" with the greens until the heat recedes. Our agronomic plan of protecting our greens so far has worked very well. I know everyone would like to see the greens be a little faster but hurting them now would cause short and long term damage. I appreciate everyone's understanding as we fight the oppressive heat and lack of rain.